Industrial Safety And Compliance Training
For large and small businesses alike, the “dividends” from safety training can be significant:

A workplace with health and safety programs in place, experience 20% - 40% reductions in worker injury and illness costs, according to OSHA research.

In today’s super-competitive business climate, achieving gains of 20% - 40% through productivity – and even cost-cutting measures, represent a huge challenge for any company.

Effective Safety Training Programs offer your organization an untapped reservoir of potential profitability.

Effective Safety Training Programs give your organization a tool that can significantly control and reduce the loss of profits from work-related injury and illness.

OXARC has a long history of providing safety training for our customers – across the range of industries and occupations.

OXARC Safety Training can tailor a safety training package for your organization that will help you keep more of your hard-earned profits. Whether your employees need training on a single, specialized safety topic – or a complete annual package on core safety issues, call us for a no-obligation review of possible solutions. Training sessions and locations can be scheduled to meet your priorities.

Safety Training…OXARC Delivers!

Call for more information

Safety Training Services
A new key to your organization’s Productivity, Performance & Profitability!

We now offer on-site or off-site safety training by a qualified experienced safety professional.

Our geographic area serves the Inland Northwestern, United States.

Here are just some of the training programs available through OXARC:

  • Chlorine Safety
  • Compressed Gas Safety
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Cryogenic Safety Training
  • Fall Prevention & Protection
  • Gas Detection Fundamentals
  • Hearing Conservation (classroom)
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Lockout/Tagout
  • Respiratory Training and/or Fit Testing

- Additional topics are available.
- Contact us today for information about site specific written programs, safety audits, and standard operating procedures.

Safety & Compliance Training… OXARC Delivers!
Call for more information
509-535-7794 - or - 800-765-9055